Executive Protection

We at Collis provide comprehensive Executive and Close Protective Services to ensure the safety of individuals and their families exposed to elevated personal risk, such as living, working or traveling in a high-threat environments.

In addition, we provide support services here in the United States for Senior Executives and their familes – in the office, residence or while traveling. We also provide recommnedations for the support of their children while at home, school or in college.

The Collis Global Network (CGN) offers the most rigorous, state-of-the-art preparation and response for safety and protection under all circumstances.

Depending on your requirements, your team may include the following specialized CGN agents:


  • Detail Leader
  • Assistant Detail Leader (Detail Manager)
  • Tactical Commander
  • Motorcade Lead
  • Advance Lead
  • Mobile Agent
  • Static Agent


Executive protection is its own highly specialized field within the private security industry; the members of your elite CGN Executive/Close Protection Team will have extensive training in executive protection, driving, first aid and marksmanship.

Our protective measures may also include installation of security and surveillance systems, vehicle scramble plans, mail screening, private aircraft use and background checks of employees both at work and in the residence. CGN protection is also available for immediate and extended family members.


We look forward to customizing your
platinum security program.