Access Control Services

Who gets in – and when:

More than ever before, security today is dependent on failsafe access control.
Protect your people and facilities from acts of violence and theft, active shooters, looting, vandalism, disorderly behavior and all unauthorized access. 

Ensuring safety and due dilligence with simplicity and integration: Collis Technical Services’s (CTS) access control solution combines physical,  cloud-based and smart phone apps to maximize 24/7, 360-degree protection.

Following our consultation, we intergrate the access control login database into the SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) program.  Access control incident data can assist your security and facility managers in assessing, forcasting and detering any potential threats to your campus, building or office.  


With our comprehensive system, security and facility managers will have greater control, can make rapid organizational changes and will only need to monitor a single security system – while users will only require a single RFID access control card or an automated update to their smart device app.

Making it simple to collect, analyze and act upon the untapped value of your access control system data will boost crime prevention, support rapid incident response – and establish a roadmap for effective operational decision making.


Saving lives, time and assets – no matter what the circumstances.


We look forward to customizing your
platinum security program.